Sep-Oct in Junior and Senior Infants

Oct 20, 2024

It has been a wonderful start to the year for Junior and Senior Infants. Our new Junior Infants have settled in so well over the first two months and Senior infants have been a fantastic help to them.

We have been busy learning songs, rhymes, poems and some dancing too. The boys in Junior and Senior infants have been creating beautiful art based on The Three Little Pigs, Humpty Dumpty, Autumn and Halloween.

There have been lots of games and playful activities in the classroom to help us learn and further develop the boys skillset. There has been lots of fun during water play – learning how to wash the dishes, during sand play – gathering the leaves and messy play – building Humpty Dumpty’s wall again.

There has been some exciting STEM challenges for eg. trying to protect Humpty Dumpty before he fell off the wall.

We have been practicing our GAA skills with our lovely coach, Thomas every Tuesday and we have been enjoying our Healthy Kidz PE sessions every Friday.

A big well done to all the boys in Junior and Senior infants on all their hard work. We look forward to more fun after the Halloween break.